The new Specialist Retail Valuer (SRV) Specialisation for 2025 will take part over 2 days and will provide you with the information and certification needed to practice as a specialist retail valuer.

The dates are the 13th and 14th of February with day one running from 8:30 to 11:45 and day 2 running from 8:30 to 11:30.

There will be multiple industry speakers and open discussion opportunities, as well as assessment and workbook activities to complete, in order to upskill you to an SRV.

Please however make note of the following prerequisites:

  • Attendees must have completed the Rental Determination Workshop November 2023 and,
  • Conform with the specific requirements for an SRV under the Act

Please register your expression of interest with: [email protected]

Please list your name, email and phone number and note whether you have completed or intend to complete the prerequisites.