The home for
Property Professionals

Committed to building and maintaining a strong base
for the future of the property profession.


Join the best property professionals in Australia.

Membership options

API is the leading and contemporary membership organisation for property professionals.


With close to 8,000 Members, API provides leadership, education, resources and services to the property industry.

Professional Memberships

These levels of membership recognise your education and experience and dedication to continuous improvement in industry standards and education.

General Memberships

As an inclusive membership body, API offers a range of membership options to those who are studying or working in the property industry or who are interested in connecting with our members.

Membership options

Becoming a property valuer opens doors to many job opportunities in property, not just in valuation.

API events have great speakers who provide current educational content. You could go in with one mindset and come out with your perception totally changed!

The benefits of being an API member are absolutely fantastic!

David Smith, Director — McNab Construction

How can API help you?

Find a Property Professional

Find a fully certified API Member in your region for
all things valuation, property and more!

Find a Property Professional

Careers in Property?

Our Career Centre service is available to any firm or individual who is looking for the best quality candidates.

Career Centre