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Need to update your details?
Your Member Portal is provides you with full control to update almost any details relating to your membership.
We encourage you to keep your details up-to-date so we are always able to communicate with you about important industry updates, Member Alerts, and essential correspondence about new government restrictions or regarding your membership.
You can use the Portal to manage your communication preferences as well.
Change of Company Name
Need to update your company’s name?
Changes to Company can be easily made using the form below. It is imperative that this is completed as soon as possible either after or directly ahead of a change. This will help us ensure uninterrupted protection for you and your company via our Limited Liability Scheme.
Request to change Company Name
Interstate Transfer as an API Member
The API has offices around the country which ensures that Members receive the highest quality service regardless of their location.
API Members are served by their local API office, so it is vital that Members advise the API when they move from one state/territory to another.
Please complete the form below to advise the API of your change of state/territory. Members are requested to update their contact details with the API through your Member Portal once the form has been submitted.