The IVSC Tangible Assets Board (TAB) has recently published a Perspectives Paper ESG and Real Asset Valuations: Sharpening the Focus, not Reinventing the Wheel.  This paper “explores the evolving significance of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in the valuation of tangible assets” (namely real property assets).

The perspectives paper “reflects the increasing attention ESG considerations are receiving from market participants and regulators.”

The IVSC perspectives paper on ESG and real asset valuations is available here.

If any API Members have any feedback in relation to the Perspectives Paper, they are encouraged to complete the IVSC online feedback form, available at the link below, or alternatively provide feedback on the paper to the API standards team by COB Friday, 29 November 2024.  The standards team will collate the feedback and, in consultation with the API Standards Steering Committee and the API Innovation Futures Advisory Group, provide feedback to the IVSC TAB on behalf of Members.

IVSC Feedback Form: ESG and Real Asset Valuation

If they are any queries in relation to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the standards team at [email protected].