Looking back at the year to date, I am simultaneously astounded that we are about to enter Spring, and yet also impressed with our achievements to date. 

Within API, we have rolled out our new Digital Learning platform, affectionately named Felix. We have also released our reinvigorated PVT modules and introduced Learning specialisations – Rural & Agribusiness, Rental Assessment & Determination and the newly launched Water & Trading. We have improved the Chair nominations process and a slew of other internal processes to increase efficiency and offer Members a better customer journey. 

Responding to the increasingly challenging cyber landscape, API is working on a number of projects to support Members from the marked increase in cyber-attacks that we are seeing globally. 

We recognise that many of our Members have been victims of cybercrime in recent years, either in their professional setting or personally through one of many big leaks that targetted Australian companies. We want to assure Members that we are working to provide cyber security support.  

In addition to a suite of soon to be announced cyber security webinars and events, API is also working towards informative content on cyber security to be shared through proactive Member communications. Good cyber security practices particularly around the storage, access and transfer of sensitive data is a constant business challenge.  To assist, we invite you to download this handy cyber security factsheet that provides some top tips on protecting yourself from cyber-attacks. 

Supporting this, we are also examining our cyber security offering and are keen to understand from Members what they seek in a cyber security solution. In the coming months, we will be reaching out via our consultation mechanisms to understand what API could offer in this space and if it would be of value to Members. We welcome any ideas and suggestions you may have; please share directly with our Membership team, or via our State Committees.   

Looking forward, we are very excited about our National Property Conference and hope to see you on the Gold Coast. We have an exciting program including sessions with the Valuer Generals’ of Australia, lenders, expert speakers and panellists, as well as our keynote speaker, Australian Cricketer Glenn McGrath. 

We encourage Members to come along not only for the excellent speaker program, but also to celebrate our industry trail blazers at the Excellence in Property Awards – part of our Gala Dinner proceedings. 

I hope to see you on the Gold Coast!