The Australian Property Institute (API) is pleased to announce a new policy amendment that streamlines the pathway for Queensland’s Registered Valuers to achieve Associate Certified Practising Valuer (AAPI CPV) status. This initiative provides a tailored pathway for those registered as valuers within Queensland who are not yet AAPI CPV members, enabling them to further their professional development with API. We encourage our current AAPI CPV members to share this update with their colleagues and associates who may benefit from this opportunity.

Approved by the API Board, this change acknowledges the professional standards upheld by the Valuer Registration Board of Queensland (VRBQ). Effective immediately, the policy outlines clear eligibility criteria for Valuers registered with VRBQ seeking to join the API as Associate Certified Practising Valuers are assessed as follows:

  1. Applicants must have met the API CPD requirements the 12 months prior to application;
  2. Applicants must provide a letter of good standing (showing no outstanding disciplinary matters) from the VRBQ with their application for membership;
  3. Subject to paragraph (d), applicants registered with the VRBQ:
    • for 2 years or more are exempt from completing the Practical Valuation Training program (PVT);
    • for more than 12 months but less than 2 years are required to complete the PVT for transition from RPV to CPV; and
  4. for less than 12 months are required to complete the full PVT program.

Applicants who attained registration with the VRQB through the mutual recognition pathway are ineligible to apply under this reciprocal agreement.

This policy change reflects API’s commitment to supporting professional growth and providing recognition for Queensland valuers. We encourage eligible professionals to take advantage of this opportunity and apply for Associate Certified Practising Valuer (AAPI CPV) by the API Website.

For any enquiries, contact Andrew Milne – Head of Membership.