2024 Christmas Message from API CEO Amelia Hodge

Thank you all for your support and contribution to another strong year at the API.
Our members and volunteers are at the centre of all that we do. Your important contributions, and those of our key industry stakeholders, to our advocacy agenda, events, learning and development products and valuation standards are crucial to our success in any given year.
Certainly, this year has not been without challenge. We reiterate our apologies again for the disruption caused by our system upgrades. Whilst recognizing the risk and challenges inherent in any technology project, we remain optimistic about their future direction. We are confident that a significantly enhanced member experience and functionality will be delivered as we roll out our digital transformation projects in 2025.
Outside of our digital innovation, we have further enhanced our product offerings with a more robust PVT course to reduce the training burden facing firms and enable cadets to reach market pace faster. We have also released a new IVS module, RMM, ESG Tips & Considerations and worked with CSIRO to develop four new modules to assist with their new energy assessment rating tool.
Our newest accreditation, CPV Resi, has been working through its pilot, with consistent feedback iterating the qualification requirements. Thank you to all who have contributed to and participated in our polit project. This will offer many members a career progression pathway specialising in the Residential sector.
The 2024 National Property Conference was a success this year shifting to a new venue and upgraded program, with the Excellence in Property Awards acknowledging the contributions of a highly experienced group of members. Congratulations to all who were nominated for these, it was a highly contested field this year.
We have announced our 2025 Global Property Congress, partnering with WAVO, IVSC, IAAO and PINZ. This is set to be an epic event with many opportunities for learning, networking, sponsoring and getting together with our broader global community of professionals. Set to be held in Sydney 26 – 29 May, tickets are expected to go on sale in the New Year.
I personally represented the API and our members on the global stage this year at the IVSC and WAVO conferences and the V20 in Brazil, positioning our members as the independent professionals in the global property advisory space.
A project of which I am very proud and have worked on for years, API Propsec, our new insurance product providing Professional indemnity coverage through a member led discretionary trust. This product aims to increase competition in the marketplace and provide a framework through which member funds can be reinvested into products that reduce risk for members.
In advocacy we made over 19 submissions to Federal and State governments this year, together with many personal meetings, discussing a range of issues. Importantly, we worked with the VRBQ to align our CPV admissions processes.
Our two large scale regional events were held in Tasmania at AgFest and Beef Week Rockhampton, to profile and promote the study and the diverse career opportunities offered.
APREF continued to be busy in 2024, following the studies of our previous scholarship recipients and awarding 5 additional scholarships to commence in 2025. Please consider a named scholarship next year, with our team at the ready to work with you on their design.
As you will know I recently announced that I will be finishing my time as the API CEO on May 31st 2025 to purse a portfolio career path. It has been an absolute privilege and honour to serve such a dynamic and impassioned group of members. I have very much cherished the collaboration, relationships formed and successes over the past seven years and am extremely appreciative to have spent such a significant part of my career at the API.
Wishing you all a relaxing, reflective and happy break with family and friends. We are very much looking forward to our 2025 and all that it brings as we work to advocate for and serve our members.
A significant portion of our team are working through the break to ensure continuous service delivery to members who are using the holidays to catch up on any CPD obligations. Please reach out if you need any assistance either directly to myself, the [email protected] inbox or by phone to 1800 111 274.
Thank you. I hope Santa is good to you all!
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