Vale Notice for Lesley Bennett

It is with great sadness that we inform Members of the passing of API Pioneer Lesley Bennett.
Born in 1926, the same year as API’s inception, Lesley Bennett was the first female Member of the API and leaves behind a proud legacy. Studying at RMIT she graduated with a Real Estate Management Certificate and Survey Drafting Certificate. Initially working as a primary teacher for four years, she then moved into a position with Vic Railways as a tracer. Within 6 months she moved into an ‘acting’ Valuation role, gaining her industry experience.
Despite discouragement from her peers, Leslie attended Night school to complete her necessary course to become a Valuer. At the same time working full time at the railway as well as one night a week for the Army.
In 1962 Lesley became a Member of the API or at time – the Commonwealth Institute or Valuers Inc. She also sat on the Land Valuation Board for ten years and spent her time breaking down barriers in an industry that was dominated by men.
In 2018 we were fortunate enough to speak with Lesley and hear her incredible story. In today’s world, it is difficult to understand some of her work experiences, sitting in the typing pool whilst the male Valuers sat in their own offices and only able as a woman to hold ‘acting’ roles until 3 years prior to her retirement.
Leslie shared with us a wealth of knowledge, funny anecdotes as well as her advice for young women starting a career in property… “ Just Go For It!!!”
Through her pioneering efforts, Lesley has ingrained herself into the fabric of our Institute, with her early determination and courage, forging a path for other women to later join the profession and the API. Today we work to build on this legacy with a raft of initiatives to further pave the way for gender diversity within our profession nationally.
It is in honour of Lesley that we now have the Lesley Bennett award, one of our prestigious awards for outstanding women in the profession presented annually at our Excellence in Property Awards.
The API would like to offer our heartfelt appreciation and respect for Lesley and the formative role she played in our profession. We encourage all Members to continue to champion the message of diversity in all its forms within the profession, and echo Lesley in our message to our Members… “Just Go for It!!!
Posted on July 17, 2024