Guidance Paper released – AVGP305 Specialist Disability Accommodation
The API continues to review its standards documents to ensure they meet the changing and future needs of members.
The API in conjunction with a group of subject matter experts involved in the ownership, management and valuation of specialist disability accommodation are pleased to be able to release a new API guidance paper on the topic of disability accommodation.
The API issued an exposure draft paper for consultation between 6 September 2023 and 6 October 2023.
The feedback and comments received during the consultation period were reviewed and considered by the technical drafting group and a final paper, with an effective date of 1 July 2024, released. The API encourages and permits earlier adoption.
The purpose of this guidance paper is to provide guidance to API members including valuers who provided professional opinions and advice to their clients in relation to specialist disability accommodation.
As with all new guidance relating to new and evolving asset classes, we anticipate that this guidance paper will require updating over time.
The guidance paper AVGP305 Specialist Disability Accommodation is available here.
Posted on March 12, 2024