Member of the API (et al) since 1963, Life Fellow and a S. F. Whittington Memorial awardee.
Professional Qualifications; Certified Practicing Valuer, Graduate Diploma Town and Country Planning, Certifide in Arbitration and Mediation.
API positions held; Tasmanian and National Presidents, stand in CEO for the API during a time of considerable disruption, Chair of numerous committees with special interests in education and growing the organisation, recent member of the Nominations committee and the FPP working group.
Business and Community; Public Company Director, past Chairman and or director of various companies, Commissions, tribunals and community organisation including; Chair of the Tasmanian Gaming Commission, Member of the Tasmanian Planning Appeals Tribunal, a founding Director of Healthscope Pty Ltd and Healthscope Ltd.
General; Continues to practice as a non CPV, providing support and mentoring for colleagues, committees and boards. A competent yachtsman, long time player/referee of rugby union and touch football. Resides in East Devonport, Tasmania.